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Showing posts from February, 2022

Shooting and Filming Schedule

Welcome back! As time is no longer an incessant component. Time is ticking! This is our last week before filming. I am very excited to start filming, I have been waiting for this since I started this class. This is it guys!  But before we can proceed to filming, we must have a schedule to go by. The script and storyboard was quite helpful in completing our shooting and filming schedule. It was just me and my group member. Unfortunately, my other group member wasn't present during this process. But don't worry, we caught her up to speed. Scheduling was fairly simple, we were able to use Studiobinder and add in the locations, actors, etc. What made this even simpler was being able to separate the script. We separated it from the time of the day it had to be shot in. We only had two categories "Day" and "Night", which was easy for us.  Let me show you what it looked like: The yellow represents the day, and the green represents the night shots. We were able to a...

Stage 3 of Final Project/ Storyboarding

 This is the third step to the completion of my portfolio. This will mostly focus on the preproduction of our opening scene. This will include the location, storyboarding, casting actors, writing a shooting schedule, and planning the look and feel of the opening scene. Let's start off with the location! Our group has decided the locations where our opening scene will be shot. Some of the shots will be shot outside while some will be inside. We plan on using the locations in our school to shoot. Although, some shots may need to be filmed outside of school. We plan on shooting our first scene outside, using the school parking lot next to a police car. All other shots and scenes will be filmed inside. Whether that is inside the school or not. We have also decided to use buildings and streets to be our establishing shot.                                              Actors?...

How I decided on my group

 Welcome!  Today I will be breaking down my experience into choosing my group members to work on the Final Project. On January 17, 2022 we started picking our group members and solidifying our picks. I knew that going into this project, I didn't want a big group. I wanted to pick people that I knew I could count on. I also wanted to work with people that I knew would be open with me, complete the work in a timely order, and communicate with me.  Taking all of that into consideration, I decided on working with 1. Sara Alexander (Component #1) 2. Jennifer Blandon (Component #2) I believe that with the three of us, we will be able to rock this project! I think that we all work great together.  Although, it might be more work on our part because we are a smaller group. I think that we can handle it.   So yeah, that was basically my process of choosing. I wanted people who can keep each other on task and not get carried away with their friends.  When coming...

Scripting Our Opening Scene

This is the second step of completing my portfolio. This step will mostly consist of the finance and production of films. To start off, we must start with the script. My group and I are going to conduct a mystery film. It will be more beneficial if I research and look at scripts that reside with my genre. Mystery film scripts mostly consist of including every detail in a crime. You must plan out the who, what, where, why, and how. Knowing these things are beneficial to writing the script. Another important thing to consider doing is listing out your suspects and their motives. You must be able to use the settings to exaggerate the atmosphere of it. For instance, if you don't tell but express that there is danger everywhere and change around the location every so often the reading will find it very much suspenseful and interesting. Instead of telling everything that is happening, show them, this will give the reader a chance to put the puzzle together. Not to mention, mystery films ...

Case Study of a Mystery Film

                                              Case Study "Shutter Island- By Dennis Lehane" Today, I will be completing a case study on a film of my choice.  I will be talking about the film from its inception all the way to the exhibition. Let's start off! Let's pick a film. I will be picking a film that follows my genre.  I am going to be doing a case study on a mystery film. The film is titled "Shutter Island". I chose this film not only because it is a mystery but also because it involves a lot of the concepts and ideas that we plan on doing in our film.  Let's do a little summary of the film first. This film is rated R and it focuses on a U.S. Marshal in 1954 that investigates the disappearance of a murderer that escaped from an "insane hospital". History/ Target Audience: This film is based on a book, with the same name. This film also stars "Leonardo D...

Stage 2 of Final Project

 This is stage two of my final project. We will be researching and exploring ways to produce/fund/ and distribute our films. Now obviously, as a group we wouldn't need to actually do these things. But it is still important to know. As I am researching and telling you all, keep in mind I will be talking about my "genre/film" hypothetically. Let's start! My group and I are doing a mystery film.  Some production companies that specialize in films that are similar to mines is "Tower Hill Entertainment"/ "Happy Madison Productions"/ and "Endgame Entertainment". I think "Tower Hill Entertainment" will be the best option for us. They have produced tons of mystery films. I also think I would rather produce with a large studio because it will be easier to promote and get my film out into the public. I feel like the choice of production company will affect the way the audience engages in the film. I believe that even though it might be ha...