This is stage two of my final project.
We will be researching and exploring ways to produce/fund/ and distribute our films. Now obviously, as a group we wouldn't need to actually do these things. But it is still important to know. As I am researching and telling you all, keep in mind I will be talking about my "genre/film" hypothetically.
Let's start! My group and I are doing a mystery film.
Some production companies that specialize in films that are similar to mines is "Tower Hill Entertainment"/ "Happy Madison Productions"/ and "Endgame Entertainment". I think "Tower Hill Entertainment" will be the best option for us. They have produced tons of mystery films. I also think I would rather produce with a large studio because it will be easier to promote and get my film out into the public. I feel like the choice of production company will affect the way the audience engages in the film. I believe that even though it might be harder to promote your film to a popular production company, it is also likely that your film will get around more easier than, signing with a individual company. I think that if you sign with an independent company, your film is less likely to be seen. The amount of people that will see your film will be lower because most people watch films from an company that is well-known.
A filmmaker could convince a production company that their film is worth financing by explaining the idea behind the film, the revenue from it and the uniqueness from it. What makes your film unique? Not only that, but considering all your components will make it easier for them to have an idea of the cost for the development/ pre-production/ post-production/ etc. And to get them interested in the idea of your film, you have to make a project proposal.
I would "sell" my film and make back everyone's money by the message our film represents and sends. It is something that should be talked a lot more and it is something that happens all the time. You always hear about these things happening on the news.
"A stalker that follows girls around, and sends them threats. They are then found murdered."
This is a very serious topic and deserves to be enlightened on. This would most likely be my biggest point. But not only my message but about the uniqueness of it. Although, yes it is a sadly a very common thing. But I have not seen a lot of movies or TV shows made about this. I think people need to see the reality of it. Not to mention, now with the use of social media, people are more at risks. (People trust others on social media).
And the message of my film will a more accurate idea and awareness about it.
Now probably the most important part, how are you going to make back everyone's money? Well, I would have to convince them through the use of revenue. If I convince them that I am able to make back the money through merchandise. This will only happen if the film becomes a big hit.
Some of the distribution companies that specialize in Mysteries are apart of the "Big 6". For instance, "Paramount Pictures"/"Warner Bros"/ and surprisingly "Miramax Films". I think "Paramount Pictures" would be the best option for my film. It is apart of the "Big 6" and promotes a lot of mystery films as well. I think my film would be exhibited nontheatrical, I think that I would get more views and my movie will spread around more quicker. With social media being a factor, it will be easier for the viewer to watch the film. Not a lot of people pay money to go to the movie theater, when they can watch the movie on a streaming service that they probably have, in the comfort of their home. They won't also have to worry about the tickets selling out.
Some of the films that are similar to mines is "Shutter Island". This film is also a mystery. Not only that but it also includes murder. Our film revolves around a murder that has happened. Not only that but in "Shutter Island" the murderer is "criminally insane", in our film the murderer (stalker) is also "Insane". This film also explores the findings of the murderer. Which our film entails to do as well. This film was distributed by "Paramount Pictures", which is apart of the "Big 6". The production companies associated with the film is "Phoenix Pictures"/ "Sikelia Productions"/ and "Appian Way Productions". The budget for the film was estimated $80,000,000.
This film is rated an R, because it does include some violent content and language. The age group for "Shutter Island" is suitable for ages 12 and up. This film made back it's money through theatrical performances, where they made $299,461,782 and they made money through home market performances, where they made $35,425,943.
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