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My Individual Opening


Today I will be telling you about my process in my individual opening.

Every person in our group had to construct and edit their own opening, with the same shots and concept. After, we will then review each other's work and give some feedback on what we wanted to include in our final opening, and what we didn't. 

Giving feedback to my group members was probably the most challenging part. Hear me out. Although there were some things that I liked that they included. It was hard to take a stand and say what I didn't like. I think we all felt this way. From the way we put in our credits, to the shot sequences, we all had very different ideas of what we thought our opening was going to be. 

But luckily we found our rhythm. We were going through each shot and discussing where we should place it in the opening. This really helped. We also had to remember that constructive criticism and judgment to a certain extent is okay. It's okay to state your opinion and learn to take the feedback and improve.

I do want to share with you all, my individual opening. I felt like I did give it my all. And honestly, that's all you can do. Previously in my other blog, I did mention that I find editing to be tedious. And the same thing applies here, I am not the best at it but I definitely don't think an occupation in the film industry is for me. Once I began completing the last bits of editing left, I felt like I had a boost of serotonin. I don't know if that was because I was almost finished with editing or if I was actually getting the hang of the software. Also, I forgot to mention that I did use "WeVideo" for my individual opening. 

I am pretty happy with my version of the opening. Maybe an 8 out of 10. I tried to match the sound to what I imagined, but finding a free sound was also pretty difficult.

Here is my individual opening:

What do you think? 

Anyways, thank you for reading! See you in the next one!




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