Today in class we had to research and evaluate three video editors. In which the video editor that we decide on, we then have to make sure that it meets the minimum requirements.
Minimum Requirements:
-accessible from anywhere (web-based)
- ability to lay multiple tracks (both audio and video)
- ability to strip or mute audio and natural sounds from video
- ability to collaborate with other users
Research and Evaluation:
Throughout my research, I noticed that it was difficult to find a video editor that was free. Even though I typed in free video editors, almost every single one I picked on would ask you if you would like to start a free trial. Which at the end, you will have to end up paying.
Having something free and that also met my requirements, at first didn't seem like it would work out. Until I found Openshot and Clipchamp.
After my research and evaluation, I came down to the conclusion that Clipchamp would be the best option for me.
Out of the three video editors, Openshot was a close first as well. It was very hard to choose between the two. I also did some research and evaluation on Doratoon. It had some features but defiantly did not meet the mark. I felt like Openshot also had a lot to offer and met all the minimum requirements but did not have as much other features that Clipchamp offered. Which led me to my decision to move foward with Clipchamp.
Might I add, it was also very hard to find a video editor that has the ability to collaborate with other users. I think that was the hardest part in finding a video editor that would meet the requirements.
Something that set apart Clipchamp from other video editors, is that you are able to create "picture in picture" effects. Which I think is pretty cool. Another thing that I thought was pretty cool is that Clipchamp allows you to create your own brand kit. You can create a kit for your team and that way no one will forget what the logo, etc. You can also flip and mirror videos, which is very crucial, if your video was on your phone and you wanted to upload it, so it fits horizontally instead of vertically. I really liked that Clipchamp offered what was expected and even more.
I feel like that Clipchamp offers a lot of styles, and sound options. Because I believe when you edit a video, the style of it and the music means the most. I feel like it sets the tone of the video.
Clipchamp for the win!
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